Friday, February 1, 2008

Shaolin Soccer - Anthony -

I watched an animated movie. It was called “Shaolin Soccer”. The main character is Stephen Chow, who is a Chinese-Hollywood movie star. I like him because he has shot many funny movies, which are unforgettable. “Shaolin Soccer” refers to Shaolin Kung Fu combined with playing soccer. At the beginning of the movie, Stephen was watching a wide-screen TV at mall. An old man walked, passed him and heard Stephen say, “Ball did not kick like that.” When he was saying this, he tried to do a proper kick. The old man watched intently and grabbed Stephen’s leg and examined it. He told Stephen, “Your leg is very strange and no one has a leg like this and it might be the best one in the world,” Stephen had a business card and handed it to the old man politely. However, the old man put the card into his can of coke and threw it at Stephen. Before this can of coke reached the ground, Stephen suddenly thought back “the kick”. He kicked the can smoothly into the sky.
Both went away. Stephen walked home slowly and thoughtfully. A rubber removal man asked Stephen to help him to life an old refrigerator, but Stephen did not lift it. Instead, he kicked the fridge with his right foot easily. He was confused and thankful to him. Stephen is the fifth member in his Shaolin team. His master died and Stephen wanted Shaolin Kung Fu to become widespread. However, he did not succeed.
On the next day, Stephen met the first member of his team. He tried to tell him how to perform Kung Fu on anyone, but it did not work. This makes a bad thing happen. A group of gangsters were going to fight him. Stephen was so angry and from out of nowhere a soccer ball dropped in font of him. Stephen used his Kung Fu on the soccer ball first and then kicked it towards one of the gang’s members. In fact, he only used ten percent of his energy but the person he kicked was thrown like a plane and dropped painfully. This was the beginning of Shaolin Kung-FU.

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